Maximum Ribbon Cut

We'll cover the following


🙋 Question
We are given a ribbon of length n and a set of possible ribbon lengths. We need to cut the ribbon into the maximum number of pieces that comply with the above-mentioned possible lengths. Write a method that will return the count of pieces.
n: 5
Ribbon Lengths: {2,3,5}
Output: 2
Explanation: Ribbon pieces will be {2,3}.
n: 7
Ribbon Lengths: {2,3}
Output: 3
Explanation: Ribbon pieces will be {2,2,3}.
n: 13
Ribbon Lengths: {3,5,7}
Output: 3
Explanation: Ribbon pieces will be {3,3,7}.

Problem Statement

🙋 Question
Given a number array to represent possible ribbon lengths and a total ribbon length n, we need to find the maximum number of pieces that the ribbon can be cut into.
This problem follows the Unbounded Knapsack pattern and is quite similar to Minimum Coin Change (MCC). The only difference is that in MCC, we were asked to find the minimum number of coin changes, whereas, in this problem, we need to find the maximum number of pieces.

Basic Solution

A basic brute-force solution could be to try all combinations of the given lengths to select the maximum one that gives the total length of n. This is what our algorithm will look like:

for each length 'l' 
    create a new set which includes one quantity of length 'l' if it does not exceed 'n', and 
        recursively call to process all lengths 
    create a new set without length 'l', and recursively call to process the remaining lengths
return the number of pieces from the above two sets with a higher number of pieces


Here is the code for the brute-force solution:

import math

def count_ribbon_pieces(ribbonLengths, total):
    maxPieces = count_ribbon_pieces_recursive(ribbonLengths, total, 0)
    return -1 if maxPieces == -math.inf else maxPieces

def count_ribbon_pieces_recursive(ribbonLengths, total, currentIndex):
    # base check
    if total == 0:
        return 0

    n = len(ribbonLengths)
    if n == 0 or currentIndex >= n:
        return -math.inf

    # recursive call after selecting the ribbon length at the currentIndex
    # if the ribbon length at the currentIndex exceeds the total, we shouldn't process this
    c1 = -math.inf
    if ribbonLengths[currentIndex] <= total:
        result = count_ribbon_pieces_recursive(
            ribbonLengths, total - ribbonLengths[currentIndex], currentIndex)
        if result != -math.inf:
            c1 = result + 1

    # recursive call after excluding the ribbon length at the currentIndex
    c2 = count_ribbon_pieces_recursive(ribbonLengths, total, currentIndex + 1)
    return max(c1, c2)

def main():
    print(count_ribbon_pieces([2, 3, 5], 5))
    print(count_ribbon_pieces([2, 3], 7))
    print(count_ribbon_pieces([3, 5, 7], 13))
    print(count_ribbon_pieces([3, 5], 7))

👉 Complexity
The above algorithm’s time complexity is exponential O(2L+T)O(2^{L+T}), where LL represents total ribbon lengths, and NN is the total length that we want to cut. The space complexity will be O(L+T)O(L+T).

Since this problem is quite similar to Minimum Coin Change, let’s jump on to the bottom-up dynamic programming solution.

Bottom-up Dynamic Programming

Let’s try to populate our array dp[ribbonLength][total+1] for every possible ribbon length with a maximum number of pieces.

So for every possible length len (0 <= len <= total) and for every possible ribbon length index (0 <= index < ribbonLengths.length), we have two options:

Finally, we will take the maximum of the above two values for our solution:

dp[index][len] = max(dp[index-1][len], 1 + dp[index][len-ribbonLengths[index]])


Here is the code for our bottom-up dynamic programming approach:

import math

def count_ribbon_pieces(ribbonLengths, total):
    n = len(ribbonLengths)
    dp = [[-math.inf for _ in range(total+1)] for _ in range(n)]

    # populate the total=0 columns, as we don't need any ribbon to make zero total
    for i in range(n):
        dp[i][0] = 0

    for i in range(n):
        for t in range(1, total+1):
            if i > 0:  # exclude the ribbon
                dp[i][t] = dp[i - 1][t]
            # include the ribbon and check if the remaining length can be cut into available lengths
            if t >= ribbonLengths[i] and dp[i][t - ribbonLengths[i]] != -math.inf:
                dp[i][t] = max(dp[i][t], dp[i][t - ribbonLengths[i]] + 1)

    # total combinations will be at the bottom-right corner, return '-1' if cutting is not possible
    return -1 if dp[n - 1][total] == -math.inf else dp[n - 1][total]

def main():
    print(count_ribbon_pieces([2, 3, 5], 5))
    print(count_ribbon_pieces([2, 3], 7))
    print(count_ribbon_pieces([3, 5, 7], 13))
    print(count_ribbon_pieces([3, 5], 7))

👉 Complexity
The above solution has time and space complexity of O(L∗N)O(L*N), where LL represents total ribbon lengths and NN is the total length that we want to cut.
