Subsequence pattern matching

We'll cover the following

Problem Statement

๐Ÿ™‹ Question
Given a string and a pattern, write a method to count the number of times the pattern appears in the string as a subsequence.
Example 1: Input: string: โ€œbaxmxโ€, pattern: โ€œaxโ€
Output: 2
Explanation: {baxmx, baxmx}.
Input: string: โ€œtomorrowโ€, pattern: โ€œtorโ€
Output: 4
Explanation: Following are the four occurences: {tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow}.

Basic Solution

This problem follows the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) pattern and is quite similar to the Longest Repeating Subsequence; the difference is that we need to count the total occurrences of the subsequence.

A basic brute-force solution could be to try all the subsequences of the given string to count all that match the given pattern. We can match the pattern with the given string one character at a time, so we can do two things at any step:

Our total count will be the sum of the counts returned by the above two options.


Here is the code:

def find_SPM_count(str, pat):
    return find_SPM_count_recursive(str, pat, 0, 0)

def find_SPM_count_recursive(str,  pat,  strIndex,  patIndex):

    # if we have reached the end of the pattern
    if patIndex == len(pat):
        return 1

    # if we have reached the end of the string but pattern has still some characters left
    if strIndex == len(str):
        return 0

    c1 = 0
    if str[strIndex] == pat[patIndex]:
        c1 = find_SPM_count_recursive(str, pat, strIndex + 1, patIndex + 1)

    c2 = find_SPM_count_recursive(str, pat, strIndex + 1, patIndex)

    return c1 + c2

def main():
    print(find_SPM_count("baxmx", "ax"))
    print(find_SPM_count("tomorrow", "tor"))

๐Ÿ‘‰ Complexity
The time complexity of the above algorithm is exponential O(2m)(2^{m}), where mm is the length of the string, as our recursion stack will not be deeper than mm. The space complexity is O(m)O(m) which is used to store the recursion stack.

Top-down Dynamic Programming with Memoization

We can use an array to store the already solved subproblems.

The two changing values to our recursive function are the two indexes strIndex and patIndex. Therefore, we can store the results of all the subproblems in a two-dimensional array. (Another alternative could be to use a hash-table whose key would be a string (strIndex + โ€œ|โ€ + patIndex)).


Here is the code:

def find_SPM_count(str, pat):
    dp = [[-1 for _ in range(len(pat))] for _ in range(len(str))]
    return find_SPM_count_recursive(dp, str, pat, 0, 0)

def find_SPM_count_recursive(dp, str, pat, strIndex, patIndex):

    # if we have reached the end of the pattern
    if patIndex == len(pat):
        return 1

    # if we have reached the end of the string but pattern has still some characters left
    if strIndex == len(str):
        return 0

    if dp[strIndex][patIndex] == -1:
        c1 = 0
        if str[strIndex] == pat[patIndex]:
            c1 = find_SPM_count_recursive(
                dp, str, pat, strIndex + 1, patIndex + 1)
        c2 = find_SPM_count_recursive(dp, str, pat, strIndex + 1, patIndex)
        dp[strIndex][patIndex] = c1 + c2

    return dp[strIndex][patIndex]

def main():
    print(find_SPM_count("baxmx", "ax"))
    print(find_SPM_count("tomorrow", "tor"))


Bottom-up Dynamic Programming

Since we want to match all the subsequences of the given string, we can use a two-dimensional array to store our results. As mentioned above, we will be tracking separate indexes for the string and the pattern, so we will be doing two things for every value of strIndex and patIndex:

So our recursive formula would be:

if str[strIndex] == pat[patIndex] {
    dp[strIndex][patIndex] = dp[strIndex-1][patIndex-1]
    dp[strIndex][patIndex] += dp[strIndex-1][patIndex]


Here is the code for our bottom-up dynamic programming approach:

def find_SPM_count(str, pat):
    strLen, patLen = len(str), len(pat)
    # every empty pattern has one match
    if patLen == 0:
        return 1

    if strLen == 0 or patLen > strLen:
        return 0

    # dp[strIndex][patIndex] will be storing the count of SPM up to str[0..strIndex-1][0..patIndex-1]
    dp = [[0 for _ in range(patLen+1)] for _ in range(strLen+1)]

    # for the empty pattern, we have one matching
    for i in range(strLen+1):
        dp[i][0] = 1

    for strIndex in range(1, strLen+1):
        for patIndex in range(1, patLen+1):
            if str[strIndex - 1] == pat[patIndex - 1]:
                dp[strIndex][patIndex] = dp[strIndex - 1][patIndex - 1]
            dp[strIndex][patIndex] += dp[strIndex - 1][patIndex]

    return dp[strLen][patLen]

def main():
    print(find_SPM_count("baxmx", "ax"))
    print(find_SPM_count("tomorrow", "tor"))

๐Ÿ‘‰ Complexity
The time and space complexity of the above algorithm is O(mโˆ—n)O(m*n), where mm and nn are the lengths of the string and the pattern respectively.


  • Longest Bitonic Subsequence